Prof. Lee giving Dr Cho a farewell gift
Prof. Ik-hyun Cho's speech at the 20th anniversary celebration and giving of gift to students, received by lab manager Minkyu.
Happy 20th years!
Lab seniors/ previous members' photo with Prof. Lee and his lifesize standee
Current lab members' photo with Prof. Lee's lifesize standee
Prof. Lee receiving the plaque of appreciation from Dr. Heehong and Lab Manager Minkyu
Prof. Lee giving a speech for the 20th anniversary celebration
Prof. Lee picking the best photo of the night
20th Anniversary Celebration Photo Contest
Dr Woo-hyun's last Lab data meeting
Dr Woo-hyun's last Lab data meeting
Dr Woo-hyun's last Lab data meeting
Happy birthday, Prof. Sung Joong Lee!
Happy birthday, Prof. Sung Joong Lee!
Spring picnic day ♥
Spring picnic day ♥